Pathways Progress – 18 January 2016

This is the year

We are not ready just yet but we are well on the way… The farm has been through quite a transformation since October 2014 when we took possession. A number of you will remember the condition of the site back then and have lived through the transformation with us – what a fifteen months! We can’t start the new year without saying how overwhelmed and grateful we are for everything that has been achieved. THANK YOU.

The weather over the last couple of months has been a little damp and we have been concentrating mostly on the buildings. The new floor in the old dairy is a work of art and we are so grateful for the hours spent removing old concrete, breaking up hardcore and creating the new base, then mixing and laying the new cement… a special thanks should go to Rob B who threw himself into this beyond the call of duty! Tragically, I was at a wedding that weekend and missed all the hard work (fun). I did though spend time (between eating and drinking) thinking about everyone!

I am keen to let others share about their experience of the care farm so here are some thoughts from a couple of our co-workers:

“I have found the farm very beneficial to my wellbeing as I am now retired, it gives me a sense of purpose and it’s a place where I have made a circle of friends whom I see on a regular basis.” (J)

“A days physical work is so satisfying and knowing what we are working towards is so inspiring. Working with like-minded people and socialising on that level is very rewarding and the project has greatly enhanced my life. The project is very personal to me and my family.” (C)

As I said above, we are not ready to open just yet but we are already making a difference in the lives of some very dear people. With your help we hope to be open for more days each week after Easter and make an even greater impact on even more lives.

Christmas excess

I read recently that, on average, adults in the UK put on 5lb over the Christmas holidays. I’m sure that doesn’t apply to any of you but, apart from a couple of wintery walks, we may not have done as much physical activity as usual. Do not panic, there is a chance to put all of that behind us and get those muscles active again… and I’m not talking about one of those lonely, personal training regimes where you put on headphones, stare at a pop video and pound out miles whilst blanking out the real world… We have devised a way of being together with mutual support and encouragement, as much tea as you can drink and burn off those eccess calories. ‘Tell me how?’ I hear you cry.

We are starting our workparties again… hurray! The next two Saturdays (23rd and 30th January) will see us partying away to our hearts content – and we would love you to join us. If you are around for all or part of the day please feel free to come along and join the fun – the kettle is almost always on and there is always a warm welcome, no matter how cold it is.

Looking back at the achievements of the last year or so is humbling but, at the start of this new year, we can also look forward to the next phase of our development and the projected start date in April.

l can’t stop being grateful for all the hard work and dedication of our amazing supporters. There will always be a lot to do but the anticipation of opening up and the reality of starting the real work of helping vulnerable people is almost tangible. Thank you all so much.

We still have hay for sale

The sale of hay is on-going. We have good quality hay, baled, stored and ready for collection. If you want some or know anyone else who does please get in touch on 07711 055898.

What better way to spend a Saturday?

There is nothing good on TV, all the bargains have now gone from the shops and if you are going out for the evening there really can be no better way of getting ready for a good night out than to work alongside others towards a great cause… please join us on Saturday 23rd and/or Saturday 30th January for a day of fun, work, fun, tea, fun, chat… and fun.



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